In Spotlight: Colorful Dandelion 

I’ve had my Etsy shop up and running for couple of months now, so I’ve had time to practice how to use it! I’ve got two orders already (woohoo!!!) and I’m planning to publish more charts soon! And now, that I’m more familiar with the shop, I want to tell you more about the charts I’ve made here in my blog!

First chart I’m going to present to you, is most favorited chart in my shop, called “Colorful Dandelion”. Chart is designed for 25 ct fabric and uses 97 colors in total. I use DMC threads in my designs they are widely available all around the world and they have very wide color range in their selection.

The photo used in this chart is from Pexels, taken by user name Anthony 🙂 The colors and the detail in the photo caught my eye, and made me want to stitch a chart as colorful and detailed as this is.

Original photo

Why I’m using someone else’s photos, you might ask? Well, I’m not a pro photographer and I really know only basics of photo editing. And there are so many talented people around the world taking amazing photos, editing them, uploading them to these photo services to be used.

So, why not to use them? Let other people know about their art in a different form. I always attach the source where I got the photo in my charts, and in these blog posts, I’m going to give links to their profiles from the photo service I’ve used, so they get the credit for their work.

Thumbnail photo of the chart

Back to the charts! When you make a chart from a photo, it many times dulls it down a bit. The reason I tend to use 25 ct fabric in my charts, is to maintain as much of the sharpness of the photos as possible, even it means there’s going to be hell of a lot of stitching to do. But who doesn’t like the challenges, right?

Also I use many colors in my charts, again, to keep the sharpness and get the final, stitched pieces as vibrant as possible. In this chart there is 97 colors, which keeps the chart pretty closely true to original color scheme.

All my charts are always Pattern Keeper compatible. It is a a must tool in my stitching, I could never make cross stitch from paper chart, this makes it so much easier! So I want you to be able to use the app too, and in case you want to print out the charts, you are also able to do that too! So it’s a win-win situation for all.

And now question to you, my lovely readers: what kind of charts would you like to see in my shop? What kind of charts do you like to stitch?

And now, it’s time to head to my Etsy shop and buy your favorite chart with code BLOG23 to get 70% off! Or click this link and it takes you straight to my Etsy shop!

Happy stitching!

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